Dual Beam Laser Thickness Monitor


The OS Dual Beam Laser Thickness Monitor (OS-LTM-VIS-IR) is designed for the use with low energy gap materials (Eg < 1.82 eV). The visible 632.8 nm laser is used for optical alignment while the infrared laser (830 nm) is used for measurement.


Operation remote and in situ
Laser wavelength (nm) IR Laser 830 nm + alignment
laser 632.8 nm
Port Mount UHV DN40CF (standard) other mountings on demand
Usage for low Eg materials (Eg<1.82 eV)
Sensitivity (nm) up to a few nm depending on the refractive index
Operating System
for measuring Software
Windows XP or more recent desktop PC with a PCI slot*

* An RF noise shielded PC (not included) is recommended for the use in connection with a PPD System.

Dual Beam LTM